We Stayed The Night in a Castle!

Mar 23, 2022
Samira with Isis Wings at Clayshire Castle

Josh surprised the heck out of me over the weekend!  I knew we were going somewhere but had no idea where, and it included a bit of a blindfolded drive!  

Let me tell you, nothing makes you feel like a princess quite like staying overnight in a castle!

Nestled into the heart of Bowling Green, Indiana, this modern castle takes you right back in time.  Stepping through the doors of Clayshire Castle, Lord Douglas greeted us, dressed in medieval garments.  He gave us a tour and handed us an actual, old fashioned key to our room.  

We stayed in the Tapestry Room.  A cozy space with tapestries of The Lady and The Unicorn on the walls.  

I was most impressed with the large clawfoot tub.

After unpacking, we scurried like children off to the costume room to play dress up!  And ladies, if you don't have a man who will play dress up with you, throw him out and get a new one.  You can't be expected to grow old with someone who wont stay young with your heart.  

There now, King and Queen for a day!  This place has so many interesting places for photo ops!  The ornate rooms, the great hall, the library (with a ladder, just like in the movies!), and the lovely grounds.  There were also interesting props all around to pose and play with.

When we finally got tired of our own shenanigans, we changed into our suits for a dip in the oak barrel hot tub.  It was a chilly, rainy spring evening, but the perfect temperature to soak in the warmth and just relax.  

Instead of just rinsing off, Josh drew me a bath in the huge clawfoot tub.  Most romantic moment of the weekend, was Josh bathing me.  I believe Salt n Peppa said it best, "carry yourself like a queen, and you WILL attract a king."

We found plush robes in the closet and tiptoed back downstairs to look through the large collection of Medieval and castle themed DVD's.  I chose Season 1 of Outlander, because, well, it was a romantic trip after all.  We curled up by the faux fire and had a midnight snack before turning in for the evening.

The next morning, breakfast was served in the Great Hall at 9am, and what a feast it was!  The owner's attention to food allergies was top notch, and I was able to enjoy a huge meal without worry.  We had French Toast, egg frittatas, sausage (turkey for me), and a cup of fresh fruit, served with coffee, orange juice, and water.  On top of just having an amazing meal, Lord Douglas entertained us with Medieval trivia and lore.  It was an absolutely delightful experience!

Once our bellies were full and our room packed away, it was time to play again!  The sunshine was out and the grounds were beautiful!  We ran through the hedge maze, saw the live sized chess board, and even had a game of rapier Jenga inside!

We also had to take some fun bellydancer shots after everyone left, but I'll save those for Instagram :)

If you've never been to Clayshire Castle, you may seriously want to consider booking a room for the king or queen in your life.  There was just so many fun things to do and the service was top notch.  An absolutely wonderful weekend getaway in Indiana.

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